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But without keeping up the hedges of the church, soul-winning won’t happen because the church will fall apart.
Thanks Jacob for posting such God-honoring quotes! It is a myth (deeply believed in, however) that being an ‘upholder of orthodoxy’ and ‘soul winning’ are at odds with one another – as if being passionate for soul winning somehow renders one shallow theologically. Jesus is our pattern – may we become more like Him! No one was deeper theologically! No one more passionately labored to be among the tax collectors and sinners (people like me) with the good news of Himself, the Savior of sinners! Spurgeon understood this. May we, too!
I think we discussed this. Thank you for writing down your thoughts. They are encouraging. I believe Scott has a very important point, “as if being passionate for soul winning somehow renders one shallow theologically.” We see the study of Theology and the actual service to God (proclaming His Love-The Gospel) as if they were two complety seperate things. Which is in no way true! They work hand in hand. Does 2 John 4-11 apply to this?
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Title: Upholding Orthodoxy Is a Small Matter (comparatively)Date posted: 17 January '06 - 18:11
Category: Best Quotes, book quotes
Wordcount: 109 words
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