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Arquivo de idioma correto! (01.12.2006)

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Piper Sermons

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Piper Sermons

The preaching of John Piper has been used by God regularly to draw me to Himself, to rebuke me, to encourage me, to educate me, to make me hunger for Christ and His Word...basically John Piper is one of the most influential people in my life even though I have never met him. I cannot tell you how blessed you will be to read his books (To begin, I recommend Seeing & Savoring Jesus Christ, God Is the Gospel, and-if you're really ambitious-Future Grace). contains more than a treasure-trove of his stuff as well. But through the internet we can be blessed by his preaching as well without abandoning the places where God has called us to serve and the elders whom He has appointed to shepherd us. Here are two great places to download his sermons:
  • Aaron Shafovaloff's Collection: He's nice enough to personally host and pay for the bandwidth to make these available. Let's take him up on the offer. [Thanks to ScottyB for the link]
  • Weekly Messages from Another great site archiving every weekly Piper sermon since 1996. They are constantly adding sermons from earlier dates. They're beginning his whole series on Hebrews. They have chapter 1-6 so far as well as every message on Romans that he has preached in his current series.
And I'll use this post as well to advertise the great offer by DesiringGod of offering the excellent book The Passion of Jesus Christ to ministries at about $1/copy to give away this Easter. Over 1.5 million of these God-glorifying, Christ-exalting, cross-saturated books have been distributed in the two years since its publication.
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by: BVZ_Moskva_E () (URL) - 27 10 '23 - 01:30
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by: ppu-prof_bup () (URL) - 15 January '24 - 17:05
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by: Seo-Ul-Bix () (URL) - 27 2 '24 - 14:34
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Title: Piper Sermons
Date posted: 07 1 '06 - 18:19
Category: Miscellanies
Wordcount: 281 words
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