count($langgroup); } echo "

Arquivo de idioma correto! (01.12.2006)

"; echo "Esse arquivo contém $groups grupos e um total de $total marcações."; } ?> Think About These Things...Phil 4:8 » Mind-Controlled Computing
Mind-Controlled Computing

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Mind-Controlled Computing

This will be pretty cool: Discovery Channel reports that the same guys who came out with mp3 format have written a super-efficient program to interpret electrical waves from the brain's cortex into computer-controlling commands. I can't wait.

Genuinely no matter if someone doesn’t know after that
its up to other users that they will assist, so here it happens.
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Title: Mind-Controlled Computing
Date posted: 20 3 '06 - 10:06
Category: Journal
Wordcount: 39 words
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