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Arquivo de idioma correto! (01.12.2006)

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January's Free Audiobook: Absolute Surrender

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January's Free Audiobook: Absolute Surrender

You can go to ChristianAudio's free book page and download this month's free audiobook. It looks like they will be giving away books every month. Looks like a good promotion since they suckered me in and got me to buy all of the Piper audiobooks they have. All of the audiobooks that I have heard from ChristianAudio certainly are professional quality, not inferior to any of the audiobooks that I have. Just go to the Free book download page, add the book to your cart, check out (making a new account if necessary), and then enter the coupon code JAN2007 when given the opportunity. You will not have to enter any credit card information and you will not be charged anything.

So far I have gotten Spurgeon's All of Grace and Bunyan's abridged Pilgrim's Progress for Young Adults which I have really enjoyed. I hope they keep up with the promotion.

They also have a separate promotion, where if you buy an 8 credit subscription, they will give you 4 extra credits for free. With 12 credits, you will be able to download about 4 audiobooks. At $25, that makes it $6.25 per high quality audiobook (some cost more than 3 credits, however), which is a steal no matter how you look at it. Great site.

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Title: January's Free Audiobook: Absolute Surrender
Date posted: 09 January '07 - 18:58
Category: Bargains, Miscellanies, Good Websites
Wordcount: 221 words
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