Guest Post by Tim Mellberg: On 504 Worthless Hours of Prayer
A response to Joshua Harwood's letter to the editor (published on Monday, October 15, 2007) and to the article by Emma Breysse (published on Tuesday, October 9, 2007):
Prayer, a relationship and communication with God, is truly a dilemma for many. Why would a group of so called "Christians" seek to implore for God's mercy on the United States, Arizona, Tempe, and even closer to us, Arizona State University? Why aren't they (Christians) "doing any concrete work toward the betterment of their fellow man via charity or volunteer work?"
Many assume that these people who apparently "sit in a building and simply implore God's mercy on the planet and hope for a happier universe for all" are not actively seeking to restore this broken world. It has been my experience that people like Chris Ngnai and Kristin Carafano, whom I have met in previous encounters, live not only by example, but also truly live out this inspired life seeking to tangibly correct brokenness both in the world around them, but more than that, they seek to restore people's relationships with God.
Regarding Hardwood's recollection of the New Testament, he is right in his remembrance of the New Testament to be "doers of the Word and not hearers only." He did fail, however, to take into account the several times throughout His ministry in which Jesus prayed to His Father, times of His greatest need ( i.e. the crucifixion).
This significant time of prayer is not about seeking to "sit back" and relax in "their spare time," but it's about communicating with the God who was willing to send His Son to die to offer abundant and eternal life to all who would accept His gift.
UPDATE 10/19: This letter to the editor was published today