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Arquivo de idioma correto! (01.12.2006)

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When Society Celebrate Suicide

Good article at entitled "When Society Celebrates Suicide" by Suzanne Fields. Here's some excerpts

"We once depended on religion and laws of the spirit to determine how we put science and technology to use. That's difficult today when secularism has been elevated to the status of religion, reality has become virtual, and technology drives our sensibilities about what it means to be human."

"The ethics of "assisted suicide" lubricates the descent on that slippery slope, ever more dangerous as an increasingly geriatric society anticipates a crisis in long-term care. Relieving pain may not always be the only consideration in assisting another person's death. A lingering illness makes it easier for an adult child to become callous in the face of an elder's suffering. We value independence of body and mind, but in old age, interdependence is crucial. Assisted suicide is merely the tip of a titanic iceberg."

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